Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Contemporary Artists and Artworks - Deviantart Artists

I decided to look on deviantart, since that is a good place to find work made by fans, and since pokemon has such a huge fan base, I knew it would have something good.

"BATTLE! Weavile VS Tyranitar" by  *ShadowAndreas69 (Andy Bell)

This piece is similar to my subject matter with pokemon battles, and the perspective is similar to how I thought I'd do my trainers (one facing the other, camera from behind one)

"Lucario vs. Zoroark" by =arkeis-pokemon
This piece is also similar to my subject matter. I like this piece because of the poses; both pokemon are about to strike. I also like that both pokemon are using an attack (lucario is using aura sphere, and zoroark probably just used transform but is about to use a different attack since he is in the air). The lighting and background is also very nice.

Another piece by this same artist also caught my eye:
"Elemental Clash: Harvey vs. Grace"
The characters are not pokemon, but they are battling in a pokemon style. This is very similar to what I want to do with my methodology. The perspective is very nice, since the birds are at two different levels while they attack. The only downside to me trying to use this idea would be that with this perspective, the angles of the trainer characters would have to be different than the typical DS game style which I was trying to copy.

Another piece I found on deviantart also involves a pokemon battle:
"Pokemon Battle" by ~mbcoolness 

This is a painting of a pokemon battle between Charizard and Pikachu. The way that pikachu is facing charizard with the camera behind him is what I want to go for in my paintings.

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