Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Harry Potter/Pokemon Research (9/25/12)

First thing I needed to decide was what style of pokemon battle I should paint for this project.

Some options I could do are the Nintendo DS typical trainer/wild pokemon battle style (with the player's pokemon facing away from you and the opponent is facing toward you). The stat bars would be included too.

Another option I could do is the Nintendo Gamecube battle styles. It has a similar set up with the stat bars, but since the camera angles change constantly, more of the battle can be seen from different angles. If I did this, I'd have to decide if I would want the style to go with my original plan of being 'anime/pokemon style' or the gamecube game style.

The gamecube battles change camera angle so sometimes you'll see a close up of one pokemon, with the trainer behind it. Sometimes you'll see both trainers or pokemon, maybe from the side. And then sometimes the camera is right behind one trainer/pokemon and facing the other trainer/pokemon that is across the arena. This is similar to how the nintendo DS games work.

Since my idea is to have harry potter characters as trainers and their pets/animals as their pokemon, I was originally hoping to have both trainers and pokemon visible in the picture. I might have to show just the back of one trainer and then the front of the other like in the Nintendo DS style battle.

I also went ahead and looked up some images for pokemon battles in the anime:

Along with pokemon battle styles, I wanted to research creatures from Harry Potter so I can decide what characters I will want to use for this project.

I went to the Wikipedia for Magical Creatures in Harry Potter. At this link I found a good list of creatures that I could possible put into my paintings.
A few that I am considering:
Harry Potter and Hedwig (his owl)
Voldemort and Nagini (his snake)
Dumbledore and Fawkes (the phoenix)
Hermione and Crookshanks (her cat)
Hagrid and Fluffy (the 3-headed dog) or Aragog (the spider) or Fang (his dog)
Sirius and Buckbeak (the hippogriff)
Filch and Mrs. Norris (the cat)
Neville and Trevor (the toad)
Ron and Scabbers/Peter Pettigrew (his 'rat')

Of all of those Harry Potter characters, the most logical pairings for battles would be Harry and Voldemort, possibly Filch and Neville? (Not many students seemed to like Filch, so other students might work there)
I think another match would be Ron and Hermione, not because they are enemies (they end up married) but because it would be a fun game for them maybe.

I tried to find more 'bad guys' with pets. The closest I could find was Dolores Umbridge, who didn't exactly have a cat, but was associated with cats (her office was covered in plates with kittens on them, and her patronus is a cat)
Possibly Dumbledore could be battling Umbridge?

Another thing I decided to look up was the pokemon style.

With the anime and video games being different in art styles, I needed to find out what 'pokemon style' I wanted to use for my project.

This is the style for the Pokemon Anime:

This is the style for Pokemon Gamecube type games:

This is the style for pokemon DS games:
The pokemon are made of pixels.

I think I want to go with the anime style of pokemon, having them with outlines and shading, and the characters would have an anime style to them.

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