Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Finals shown in Class

For the most part I liked this whole project. Until the end. I really dislike how the finished pieces came out. I hate the stats bars. They are too big and too white and too distracting. They take away rather than enhance the idea like they were supposed to. I had problems at the end with paint and pens, and spent the entire night on them. I came here once my roommate woke up and then kept working. I thin I was putting last minute touches(not that they helped much) a few minutes before the beginning of class. If I could do it over I'd not have those bars... And i would change the background in the one with Fawkes and the Basilisk. I'd try to fix the words and hp bars if I had the boxes at all. I put so much effort and so much time into this project. I wish it had turned out better.

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