Sunday, September 30, 2012

Rethinking Styles - Pokemon Game Sprites

Yesterday afternoon I was continuing to draw Harry Potter characters in a pokemon style, but I was struggling. I guess I forgot how I am not very good at anime styles. I don't know why I thought I'd be able to draw pokemon anime styles.

After some thinking, I remembered that in the Pokemon DS games, trainers and gym leaders have 'sprites' that are used. They usually have the items/clothing that represent what sort of trainer they are. 'Fisherman Andrew' would be a person with fishing gear. 'Bug catcher James' would have a net. Some of these trainer poses would fit the characters I'm trying to portray. I thought maybe if I pick a sprite pose, it would be easier to do. Since the sprites still have a bit of anime style to them, I'll still have to try to get that style in, but at least I have something to work with.

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